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The Indiana Buddhist Center is a place of teaching and practice, promoting the active development of compassion and loving-kindness.


Click here to see the schedule of all teachings and events:


We are emphasizing IN-PERSON attendance for most of our events.

While attending in person fosters the greatest sense of community and benefit from the teachings, we understand that weather conditions or health concerns make remote attendance preferable.  Thus, you may also access most classes via the zoom link below.  Please look for messages from the instructors and check our schedule if the weather is questionable.  



Welcome Home Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Khechog.


Join us for this informal get together and pitch-in lunch. Meet Geshe Khechog, our new resident teacher and welcome back Geshe Namgyal. Sign-up for bringing a dish to share at MyPerfectPotluck (click here for link). IBC will provide drinks, plates and silverware. We look forward to connecting with you!

IBC Happy Saga Dawa

Join us at the joyous beginning of the Saga Dawa holiday. This holiday celebrates Buddha's birth, enlightenment and parinirvana. A Tsok with prayers and chants will be held at 11 am followed by a potluck. Please click here to sign up to bring a VEGETARIAN dish to share. RSVP on Eventbrite below. 
See you there!
***** New series starts JUNE 3rd *****
Join us each week for this on-going class - it is structured as a 16 week intro class to answer your questions and help give guidance for finding your way through the various Buddhist practices.
Attendees will be given homework and suggested texts for readings. In-person attendees are often given handouts of materials. $5 suggested donation for each class helps to cover the cost of these materials and refreshments.
Each month at IBC, join us for an on-going intensive Meditation class on the first Saturday 10 am-3 pm with Buzz Fletcher. As this highly rated class focuses on the requisites and practice of Shamatha, or Calm Abiding meditation.  Practitioners are encouraged to sign-up for this class, wear attire comfortable enough for meditation, and bring lunch.
Please sign up for Shamatha Class here. 

About the Center


The Indiana Buddhist Center serves the people of central Indiana and beyond by being a local source of accurate information on the religion and philosophy of Buddhism in the lineage of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The Center serves as a place of teaching, practice, meditation and friendship for Indiana Buddhists and those who are interested in learning about the Dharma...

The Bodhicitta Prayer

May the supreme jewel bodhicitta 

that has not arisen arise and grow, 

and may that which has arisen not diminish, 

but increase more and more.


Do not commit any non-virtuous actions,

Perform only perfect, virtuous actions,

Subdue your mind thoroughly - 

This is the teaching of the Buddha

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